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Our podcast is only made possible because of your support. We love putting out episodes and exploring movies we have so much nostalgia for. Every month, we have a number of expenses related to this show, such as hosting, remote recording, website, etc. We're a small show and securing sponsorships is not easy.
If you enjoy what we do and are want to throw a couple dollars our way, it makes a huge difference. With every donation we receive, we'll be sure to give you proper kudos and a shout out in our next recording. You can request a shout out for yourself, a friend, your business or podcast... Have fun with it!
Request a Shout Out here!
If you are feeling really generous, you can commission us to watch a movie of your choice and participate in the episode however you'd like. Your movie selection automatically moves to the front of the list so you don't have to wait to hear our take on your movie choice.
Request a movie review here!
Another way to support us that doesn't cost any money is to share our podcast across your social media sites. A simple share can help us grow our audience and make more friends. Thank you for your continued support!