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Movie Review Episodes

Sept. 22, 2021

The Wedding Singer (1998) - "Somebody Kill Me Please"

Join us as we play some Plot Summary MadLibs and Tim serenades the world with his cover of "Somebody Kill Me"
Sept. 1, 2021

The Sand (2015) - "Nothing leaves this beach"

Why did we do this to ourselves? Join us as we break all the rules and watch this film for the first time (and the last time). We're talking about 2015's American monster movie, "The Sand".
July 21, 2021

Batman and Robin (1997) - "Let's kick some ice!"

This 2 hour long commercial has more one-liners and puns than we could even count. We knew what we were getting ourselves into with 1997's American superhero film, "Batman and Robin". We joked about this film since before we started our podcast and finally take the polar plunge into the icy water. …
July 14, 2021

Amelie (2001) - "We pass the time of day to forget how time passes"

The power of imagination and love is on full display in 2001's French romantic comedy film, "Amelie". This is one of Dana's all-time favorite movies and we're excited to finally get a chance to see how this film hits us as adults.
June 9, 2021

Meet the Parents (2000) - "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"

Ben Stiller is the king of cringey, anxiety-inducing, awkward moments, and he is on full display in 2000's American romantic comedy film, "Meet the Parents". Join us as we re-write one of the most memorable scenes MadLibs-style, reflect on our Nostalgia, and see if this movie holds up over time.
May 19, 2021

Batman (1989) - "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

Nothing says billionaire, masked vigilante like dad jeans and a turtleneck. Join us as we talk about all the wonders and absurdity as we review 1989's Superhero film Batman, with special guest, Nikki!
Guest: Nikki
April 28, 2021

Return of the Jedi (1983) - "It's a trap!"

We put our fandom and nostalgia to the test as we jump right to the conclusion of the original trilogy and review 1983 American epic space opera film Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
April 1, 2021

[PODCAST TAKEOVER] Over the Top (1987) | Good Times, Great Movies

April Fools! On Second Watch has been taken over by Doug and Jamie from the podcast Good Times, Great Movies. Enjoy their hilarious take on this 1987 film featuring arm wrestling, truckin', and fatherhood. This movie is so '80s...
March 10, 2021

Super Mario Bros. (1993) - "Improbable, Unlikely, but never impossible"

The idea of taking one of the best video games and video game characters from 16-bit to the big screen sounds like an easy way to make a lot of money. Obtain an incredible intellectual property with full creative control, assemble an incredible cast, toss in $48mil, what could go wrong? Let us coun…
Feb. 24, 2021

Enchanted (2007) - "What's not to like?"

Sometimes you need a good partially animated musical romantic comedy self-parody Disney princess movie to take a break from the craziness of life. Can 2007's Enchanted take us to the ball and bring us true love?
Feb. 10, 2021

The Fifth Element (1997) - "Negative, I am a meat popsicle"

When rewatching a sci-fi movie from decades ago, it's often hilarious how the future and technology is assumed to evolve. 1997's "The Fifth Element" seems to intentionally lean into that hard, as the technology appears to have been developed by someone from the early 80's interpretation of what the…
Feb. 3, 2021

Fight Club (1999) - “You met me at a very strange time in my life”

Our biggest donation for our fundraiser for the Make A Wish foundation was from one of our best friends of the show, Derek! He got to choose our first review of 2021 and he selected 1999's American Drama, "Fight Club".
Dec. 23, 2020

The Lost Episode: Home Alone (1993)

One year ago, four friends sat down to record their very first podcast episode. It did not go well... That episode was hidden away for only the most daring. Now, we present to you, our nostalgia review of 1990's American Christmas family comedy film, Home Alone
Dec. 17, 2020

Jingle All the Way (1996) - Rewatch Review

We rewatch Jingle All the Way and talk about the incredible performances from Sinbad and Phil Hartman
Dec. 10, 2020

Jingle All the Way (1996) - Nostalgia Review

It's Turbo Time! Join us as we reflect on our nostalgia for the 1996 American Christmas family comedy film, "Jingle All the Way". We kick-off our Nostalgia Review talking about the toys we absolutely had to have under the Christmas tree as a kid and have our most hilarious and wildly inappropria…