Does our Plot Summary Mad Libs of 1993's "Super Mario Bros". make the story better or worse? I'm only left to wonder if we should give the same treatment to the animated 2023 version, "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"...
Enchanted is a special movie that is both unpredictable and fun. I had the honor of chatting with the original writer Bill Kelly to learn more about the movie making process so be sure to check out both our review and the in…
Every time I think about 1999's Fight Club, I am reminded of the late Meat Loaf about how he almost ran me and Derek over in a motorized cart at the Motor City Comic Con. Well, that and our Plot Summary Mad Libs where I got …
Christmas is a magical time of year, but when we have a go at Plot Summary Mad Libs for 1996 American Christmas family comedy film, "Jingle All the Way", Chris put it best: we're left with a bunch of trauma and scarred image…
Hocus Pocus is truly not appropriate for kids, with all the killing of children, emphasis on virginity, and of course merrily skipping away from 3 people burning alive. So let's make it even worse with a game of Plot Summary…
In our second Plot Summary Mad Libs, we begin the trend of verbally violating Kari, of which I take no blame. Here is our Mad Libs for 1980's American supernatural horror thriller film, "The Fog"