Hop aboard the Orca and join the hunt for the original summer blockbuster, "Jaws". This thriller from 1975 stars Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider, and Robert Shaw. Dive into how director Steven Spielberg and composer John Williams created this...
Hop aboard the Orca and join the hunt for the original summer blockbuster, "Jaws". This thriller from 1975 stars Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider, and Robert Shaw. Dive into how director Steven Spielberg and composer John Williams created this masterpiece against all odds.
Dana had never seen this movie before (shocking!) and made the most accurate plot prediction ever. Spaz was distracted by his own feeding frenzy while Chris and Tim navigate this adventure. When you combine Spielberg and Williams, you’re almost guaranteed to have a great experience.
Does this movie still hold up as one of the best summer movies of all time? Did a series of failures make this movie better? Is Tim obsessed with John Williams? How many different types of food does Spaz mention in a single recording? Grab your fishing pole and head for the pier for this episode of On Second Watch.
Special thanks to David W. Collins for allowing us to use a clip from “The Soundtrack Show” podcast.
Special Shout Outs: Ko-fi (www.ko-fi.com), Matt J.
Featuring music from the Jaws original motion picture soundtrack, "The First Victim" Composed by John WIlliams. Also featuring a clip from Pinkfong's "Baby Shark". Soundbite from Invader Zim - "Gir Goes Crazy and Stuff"
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